Saturday 1 January 2011

Random piece - Witch Way Round? - part 4

The walk to Kali's house took longer than usual. I was dawdling.
Like two little kids, Lee and I walked up to the house hand in hand.

Kali and Bree had been renting a three bedroom house off Charles Street for a month now - their flat had been decimated by a rampaging demon that Half-light had sent to play during a circle. I'd been there - it was the first attack I ever witnessed. Put me off summoning demons forever (not that I'd needed the discouragement). The new house was nice, very big - too big for just the two of them really - but it allowed for us to hold full coven circles in their new living room now; upside to everything I guess.

The house stood alone, surrounded by semi-detached homes. It had once been two small semi-detached's, but the previous owner had knocked through the adjoining walls to make it one big happy family home. I wondered what he would think of there only being two people living there now. I decided he probably wouldn't care.
They loved it because the garden went all the way round. You could have a circle outside the house and inside the house at the same time! Apparently that's a big deal. I still don't get it, personally... but hey.

I'd held Lee's hand all the way here, feeling like I was leading a lamb to slaughter.
I'd tried to explain why he shouldn't come; how they'd drag him into this mess like they did me... but he's more stubborn than me at times. Wouldn't listen to a word I said. For the first time ever, I had been hoping that work would call and drag him into work on his day off. Anything to keep him away from Kali and circle White Dawn. I could feel my feet slowing down as we approached the house.

Even with two front doors, you could tell straight away that it was one house. The garden didn't have a divide down the middle, that helped. In fact, if you added a chimney and took one of the doors away it looked just like the houses I used to draw as a little girl. There was even the big tree looming over us in the garden. Only two storeys high, its windows were dressed with the lace that the landlord had picked out. They had been lucky to find anywhere fully furnished that they could move straight into as quickly as they did, so they put up with the bad decorating. I don't know if I'd have been able to do the same. I'd at least have taken the frilly net curtains down.

A muscle was jumping in Lee's cheek, almost unnoticeable - unless you were looking for it. It always did that little flick when he was struggling to control his emotions. The amount of times I'd seen that little movement and had to step in to calm a situation before it got out of hand. No one else ever seemed to notice when they were pushing him too far until it was too late.
He was smiling, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Nervous. His fingers tightened ever so slightly around mine, and I squeezed back.

"You sure about this?" I asked, knowing even as I opened my mouth that it was more likely set an edge to his determination. Offer that man an out and he was bound to stay.

He nodded, the smile spreading across his face like a light. His eyes glinted with just a touch of mischief.
"You know I'm dying to see their granny curtains now." He said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Like I say - stubborn.

I couldn't help the little giggle though. Kali had to be the most fashionable person I knew, always dressed perfectly, with make up and hair to match. Very chic. She wouldn't like that Lee's first impression of her was that of 'granny curtains'. I could just picture her face now if he took one look at her, flashed that cheeky grin and told her he liked her curtains...
His grin was turning into a little laugh of its own. We must have looked like two naughty little school kids. Some things never change. Though, at six foot three no one really thought of Lee as little any more.

"Come on then. Time to face the music." I sighed, using my free hand to open their front gate, the last of our laughter lingering at the corners of our mouths. "Remember to try and keep a lid on your energies." I added for what must have been the hundredth time.

He'd been drilling me on spells and people and politics all day, and I had been drilling him on containing his magic and getting him to practice masking it. I knew it was pointless, but I was willing to try anything. Worth a try, right?
He rolled his eyes at me, and I felt a slight tug against my skin as his aura retracted. We'd never been touching when he tried it before. I'd never realised our aura's overlapped like that when we touched. It was like the thing that made him him had been spread out over me while we were close, and he'd suddenly taken it away like a blanket. It felt wrong, but it was a good sign. In fact, if I was noticing it this much, it might actually work... if he could keep it up.

"What's up?" he asked, looking me in the eyes as we walked up the little garden path. The surprise and hurt I had felt as he withdrew like that must have shown in my eyes.

"Nothing!" I shook my head smiling "It's just weird. I can't feel you. It's like you're normal... I just wasn't expecting to feel it..." I shook my head again to try and dispel the feeling.
Concern flared in his eyes briefly.
"You're just a good student is all." I added, smiling up at him. The concern was quickly replaced by embarrassed pride.

"You're a good teacher."

The door opened before I knocked. Kali always liked to appear psychic. I'd learnt the intrusion spell though, and, unfortunately for her, I'd warned Lee that it was one she liked to use a lot. As much as I like Kali, she's all show.
Right now the show was a good one. Knowing Lee was on the way, she had put more effort than usual into her appearance. Black leather trousers hugged her curvaceous legs, a deep red top hung from her shoulders, dripping over her breasts and clinging to her tight waist. The sleeves were sliced open from shoulder to forearm, showing creamy skin through the deep openings. A silver pentagram hung against her chest, drawing attention to the hidden curves there.
Her dark hair flicked around her like raven feathers, and I found myself wondering how she kept it from sticking to her glossy deep red lips. The lipstick matched the top and her nails. I half expected her to have red contacts in, just to match. It wouldn't be the first time. But her brown eyes smiled out at us. Her black high heeled boots set the outfit off perfectly. Any man would have rolled over and barked for her. All she needed was a riding crop.

I sneaked a peek at Lee's face, and was pleased to see he was unaffected. An easy smile greeted her. No surprise (unless you counted his eyebrows being fractionally higher than they had been), no real sign of being impressed, not even the hint of lust I has been expecting. Then again, bad girls were more my thing than his - Lee was always more into the innocent girls, damsels in distress... blondes. There was nothing innocent about Kali's appearance. It screamed sex.

"Well, well, well." she purred, elongating her body against the door as she held it open "This must be the elusive Doctor we've heard so much about."
Her eyes roved over his body, her tongue running over her bottom lip slowly as she took in the narrow, muscular lines under his loose clothing. His arms were impressively muscular and uncovered in the summer warmth, but here and there, I knew, his top clung to an impressive torso, and I could tell from the flash of teeth the exact moment that she found the gap between jeans and t-shirt which flashed lightly tanned skin, the slight indent of the bottom of his six pack and the line of his hip leading provocatively below his slipping waistband.

My jaw set as I realised she was attempting to undress him with her eyes. His free hand raised to his hair and he gave an embarrassed laugh. He looked like an anime character - but all Kali seemed able to focus on was the expanse of flesh now on display.
"How's Bree?" I asked, bringing an abrupt end to the flirtatious look.

Maybe it was mean, but I couldn't help feeling a little satisfied as her face fell. That sexual energy dissipated instantly. Her eyes dropped to the floor and she made a painful little gesture - somewhere between a nod and a shrug.
"She's... okay." She opened the door a little more and stepped to the side "Come in," she managed a smile. It was more human this time, real and hopeful "She'll be pleased that you're here."

"She's awake?" I couldn't hide the surprise and excitement in my voice.

Kali's smile grew and she nodded. Her eyes were slightly shinier than usual, and I had the feeling she might cry. Relief shone there.

"That's excellent!" Lee smiled, squeezing my hand without thinking. His voice was filled with so much relief and excitement that it made Kali's eyes widen in that way that says "thank you" or "wow - I didn't know you cared"
It made me smile. He may be containing his energies, but his heart was still on his sleeve. They'd love him even if they couldn't tell he was a witch.

I gave his hand a quick squeeze then gestured for him to go through, slipping my hand out of his gently. I wanted to remind him to concentrate and not let his barriers slip, but I couldn't. Oh well, time to play with fire and try not to get burnt.
I could tell from the energy levels in the house that Tanya and Marcus were still here. Were they still working on her? Goddess, I hoped not.
From my position behind Lee I could see the hair on his neck bristle as he crossed the threshold. Yeah, the Priest and Priestess could do that. The air was thick with magic from all of the healing spells of the night before, and I felt my own magic raise up to counter it. I hoped against hope that Lee's wouldn't flare up too; you never know, with him being all clamped down it might not affect him too much.
Kali raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me. I blushed.

As she closed the door behind me she whispered in my ear very softly "I know it's a lot, but try not to let your defences up so much - you'll blow someone up!"
My blush deepened and I nodded, collecting myself as well as I should. After practicing with Lee all afternoon I could probably lock my energy so deep inside that I'd seem like a corpse. I didn't want them knowing that though, so I bottled it as well as they probably thought I could.
They had a tendency to treat me like a loose cannon.
I probably appeared that way to them a lot. Couldn't hurt to keep up appearances.

Lee reached out for my hand. His cheek was ticking ever so slightly. I took his hand automatically, without thinking what it must look like.
Kali's eyebrow raised again.
I had explained again and again to her that there was nothing between Lee and I - she never did believe me though. That finely etched eyebrow told me she wasn't fooled by my words in the slightest.

This could be fun a sarcastic voice in my head remarked.

The hallway we stood in was quite bare, the walls freshly painted a simple magenta - a great improvement on the hideous floral print that had adorned it previously. I hadn't even noticed the change when we got there last night with Bree. The stairs this side of the house had been removed to make for a large open plan hall with a balcony. The wall had been left intact here though, only an archway further along gave entrance to that side of the house. It was the side of the house dedicated to rest and relaxation - the living room took up the entire ground floor, minus the stair case of course.

Kali moved ahead of us, indicating we should follow her. Though, in all honesty, I may as well have been invisible. Her attention was entirely his again. As she turned away from her we were treated to large stretch of bare back. The top fell in an open V down to the base of her spine, showing off her body art. The way her hips swayed as she sauntered before us, and the pale stretch of skin, was certainly more likely to be a display for his benefit rather than mine.
As much of an oddity as I was - "raw, powerful and dangerous" was her description - Kali had never felt the urge to seduce me. I didn't know whether to be offended or flattered.

Lee's hand was getting sweaty in mine, but for once he didn't let go and wipe his hand down his trouser leg.
Could he really be that nervous?

"Just through here." Kali's voice was as supple as her swaying buttocks, and smooth as honey. Surely he couldn't be oblivious to it?
I risked a glance at his face. It seemed open enough, a slight smile playing on his lips easily. The tick was still there as he turned though, showing that his jaw was a lot tenser than it looked. He had this ability to tense his jaw without clamping it down. I should get him to teach me to do it, I could do with knowing how to keep a straighter face.

Kali slid herself gracefully through the archway into the old fashioned living room. The re-decorating hadn't extended into this room yet. Lavender blossomed on each of the walls as if it were some odd ivy hybrid, an off green carpet looking more like bile than any grass I'd ever seen still lay lifeless on the floor. The furniture was a little better, but not much. It was an off white leather set of chairs and a nice three seater sofa. I'd say it was cream, but it looked more grey than white.
I knew for a fact that Bree had tried everything short of magic to get that thing white, and it still remained a stubborn dirty chewing gum colour. There was a single coffee table in the centre of the room and a cupboard against one wall. The lack of furniture helped when we wanted to hold big circles here. Just move it to the edges of the room and you had plenty of room for twenty or so people to stand side by side.

Lee took it all in with a quick glance as we entered the room. The glance ended on the old floral curtains. They were the sort that clash with anything and everything in any room you put them in. I would have smiled, or laughed, but I caught sight of Bree's blonde head resting on the sofa. I was about to run to her side when I felt the gaze of the high Priest and Priestess move over me and onto Lee.
I was frozen in place for a second.

Tanya is the sort of person you don't run in front of. Her long white blonde hair falls in soft waves around her perfect heart-shaped face, her crystal eyes are framed by long dark lashes that I swear don't go. She always dresses in soft pastel colours and looks a little like a princess or a fairy. Still, something in the way she held herself always screamed 'head mistress' to me. At nearly forty years old, she probably could have been a head mistress. In all honesty, I had no idea what her, or her twin brother Marcus, did for a living.
Marcus hadn't retained the white blondness his sister had, instead his hair looked very light brown, only a shade or two darker than my own hair. His face was a lot more angular than hers too, though it still came to the same pointed chin as hers did. The eyes were green, like leaves with the sun shining through them, unlike the almost white blue the ice-princess sported, and he always seemed to be in deep greens. Now he had on a dark green shirt with dark jeans that could have been any colour.
Both of them carried their auras like crowns, never holding back on their energies. It was slightly intimidating at times.

Looking at them, you got the impression of two seventeen-year-olds. It was only when you really looked that you realised they were older. Much older.

Kali had moved to the farthest end of the sofa and perched next to Bree's feet. It was the end closest to Tanya, who sat with her feet tucked up under her and to the side. Marcus was on her right, feet planted firmly on the ground with his knees comfortably wide.
Kali was 24, just a couple years older than me and Lee. At that moment, she looked very old though. Like a mother, comforting her ill child.

Since no one else was going to, I figured I'd best introduce everyone. Anything to break the silence enough to let me go to Bree.
"Lee, this is Tanya and Marcus." I made it sound like they were one - but that's how they worked. A team. I gestured to the two figures in the armchairs, then back to my side where Lee still stood still "Marcus, Tanya, this is Lee."

I'm not great at introductions - especially when everyone has already been told in private who everyone else is. It's still polite to formally introduce them though, so they can talk without any awkward doubts about whether the other person knows who they're talking to, or that they're known.

Tanya and Marcus both inclined their heads at Lee in synchronisation. Not too much, mind, lest their crowns might slip. Lee bowed to them both.
I'm not joking. He actually bowed. Like a courtier.
I tried not to smile, but I could feel myself admitting that Lee's presence alone made me feel better about the whole thing. He'd be able to make me laugh in the worst of situations, whether he meant to or not.

The best part was, he wasn't being ironic. He had just naturally assumed it was polite to bow to them.

"Come meet Bree." I managed to say around the smile.

I dragged him forwards into the room, and dropped to my knees by the sofa, releasing his hand.
He stepped over my feet and knelt by my side. I had knelt by her head without thinking about it, so he had had to go round me in order to see her without looking down at her. He hadn't even hesitated.
My hand gently pushed her hair off her face. She wasn't burning up, like I had been expecting, but there was still a faint trace of a spell on her. A slow acting one that would be still healing her for a day or two, if I was analysing it correctly.
"Hey Bree," I murmured "I brought a friend to meet you."

It was that gentle way of speaking to people that you adopt in a hospital or a nursing home. The voice you use to people you don't believe can hear you, or understand you.
Her eyes fluttered open slightly, her head turning towards the sound of my voice. They seemed unfocused, but after a second she smiled at me, and I felt a returning smile spread on my own face.
We held eye contact for a moment then I looked towards Lee, and she followed my eyes.

"Bree, I'd like you to meet Leigh-John."

He smiled at her with all the warmth of a summers day and just a glimpse of perfect teeth.
"Hello Bree." He said, his voice deeper and softer than it had been moments ago. Gentle, with the promise of heat. He took her hand softly in one of his.

Bree is 23, five foot six, small and well shaped. Her face is the sort you find in old paintings of angels, and her ruffled long blonde hair just adds to that effect. Her eyes are that soft but vibrant blue that makes you think of cloudless skies and warm summery seas.
In a word, she's beautiful.
No one normally notices it, because hers is a gentle, untouched beauty; it gets lost beside the flamboyant voluptuousness of Kali. Lee was noticing though.
I'd find it sweet, but if there's one thing worse than a flirtatious Kali, it's a jealous one.

"Hello." Bree's voice came out as a whisper. I couldn't tell if she was horse from our latest escapade, or whether Lee had taken her breath away. It was even money either way.
That voice had been known to melt hearts made of stone. What on earth it would do to normal one, I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

There wasn't the usual power behind it, so he was still keeping a lid on himself - that was nice to know.
Not that it needed the full force of his personality behind it.

"How are you feeling?" Lee and I asked at the same time, exchanged a glance then snorted.
Tanya and Marcus weren't the only twins in the room any more.

Bree smiled down at us both.
"O-k." she managed to say.

I sighed.
This was going to end badly.

I could feel Lee's urge to explore her injuries and heal her building like water behind a dam. If he did that... well, goodbye element of surprise - not to mention the element of safety. Circle Half-light would be wanting the new shiny toy (formerly known as Leigh-John) and Circle White Dawn would be grooming him into a weapon.
I touched his leg discreetly and he loosened his grip on Bree ever so slightly. Enough to let me know he understood and was in control of himself.

It was torture, because part of me wanted Lee to heal her. I knew that Tanya, our best healer, had been working all night on her... but I was so used to Lee fixing everything. It was his roll in our friendship - I broke things and he fixed them. Okay, slight exaggeration - but everyone came to Lee to be fixed. All of our friends used him as the super Doctor, first port of call if anything was wrong. It seemed only natural to have him heal Bree. Especially since she clearly could do with some more help.

"We spent most of the night just extracting poison." Marcus said to our right. Marcus is normally silent, unless he's conducting our circle. Tanya does all of the talking outside of circles.
It felt like a criticism, and I blushed. If I had thought to extract the venom from the wound before stopping the bleeding their work would have been a hell of a lot easier.

"I should have..." I started, but couldn't finish. Emotion was blocking my throat. The floor swam before my eyes as tears started to form. Damn it! I would not cry... I wouldn't! This was not my fault.

"Yes. You should." Marcus said, but his voice was soft and far gentler than I'd ever heard it before. "But you did not know that. We are all very proud of your quick actions."
My head snapped up to look at him. Shock nearly stopped my brief tears in their tracks.
For Marcus that was a huge compliment. In fact, it was the first compliment I'd ever received from him.
He was smiling at me. His elbows rested on the arms of his chair, but his fingers were touching lightly in front of his mouth. I was accustomed to him looking darkly over that steeple of flesh, looking like a younger and much realer Mr. Burns. All he needed was a phrase like "Excellent" or "Release the hounds". That smile totally transformed the gesture. It looked like he was holding back from giving me a hug.

My mouth must have been hanging nearly open, because I found myself closing my mouth a moment later to return the smile.
"I'll remember next time." I told him, determination flashing in my eyes.
Because there would be a 'next time'. There was no denying that. There was always going to be a 'next time'. I was starting to understand that now.

He gave a nod. It was pleased, and sad at the same time. Sad that there would be a next time?
I hoped he was pleased at my determination, but with that fathomless mask he called a face I couldn't even guess. Only hope.

We only stayed an hour, but it was long enough.
Bree wasn't up for much talking, and with the Priest and Priestess there, none of us really felt talkative. They had that effect on most people.
It was hardest on Lee to sit around with a patient so close and not attempt to help her, more over - to not even show that he wanted to or that he could.

"I wish I could help." He said part way through our visit.
She had smiled sweetly but condescendingly at him then. She knew he was a doctor in training, they all did - but they thought he was the 'prescribe something' kind of doctor. Not a hands on healer like them. They didn't have much respect for doctors; much the same as doctors don't seem to have much respect for voodoo priests or faith healers. One man's cure was another man's parlour tricks I supposed.

The cheeky sod had got me to channel his conscious a little later though.

No one was paying him much attention. Kali had decided to leave seduction until her partner wasn't laying ill next to her - something I thought was very decent of her - and Tanya and Marcus felt nothing interesting from him. All they noticed was a slight change in my aura whenever we touched, and they - like Kali - put that down to infatuation. Bree was too in and out of consciousness to really pay attention to anyone.
So when I had asked to 'try something' I had been given that look from all of them - you know, that look you give little kids when they want to try something cute like kissing a wound better, or giving the afflicted a favourite teddy to cuddle. The look that says "It won't help, but I guess it can't hurt. It's quite sweet of you to try really". Like I say, condescending bunch... but they'd let me try anyway. Trusting bunch too.

No one noticed Lee close his eyes with me, or that he was still holding my hand. I couldn't believe no one felt the little rush of energy that went from him, through me, and into Bree. But then there's none so blind as those who see what they want to.
He had only poked around here and there. Seen what was wrong, what was healing, what needed doing. He'd never channelled through me like that before, it was strange being able to see the body's internal workings like that.

We swam round her circulatory system, following the blood flow here and there. Stopping off at major organs and taking a look at the tissue in detail as well as the whole organ with almost the detail of an MRI scan. Feeling where the poison had been and still was in places. That's what the latent spell was for - to suppress and remove the last of the shifter venom. I could feel his summations - too little blood, the marrow needed stimulating a little more; bit of fluid on the lungs could do with clearing off; fracture in the rib needs fixing; slight liver damage...
I need to take her hand and do it myself - I can only view it from this perspective. His voice was in my head, and I wanted to know how we had never worked out that we could do this before. His frustration was palpable.

Could you direct me to do it? I asked him, not sure if he could hear my thoughts in return, or whether I was just picking his up while he channelled through me.

I'm not sure... try to stimulate her marrow - it's the most important right now. Came the response.

Great... how do I do that? I thought to myself, focusing on the bones, feeling my way into the marrow. He was right, there was a difference between seeing and affecting.

You just have to feel it. It felt like he was shrugging, though I could feel he was quite still beside me.

You'll have to move and pretend you're not looking insider her, or they'll get suspicious.
I'd only just realised it, but he knew I was right. He opened his eyes, and looked at me, as if he were interested in what I was doing.

The marrow was already making blood, but it wasn't making much. I vaguely remembered something about the marrow not being the main source of red blood cells. But Lee had said to do it this way. I trusted him.
Okay... let's... try... I felt myself push slightly, almost rubbing the marrow.
Come on... make some more... I encouraged it. Something seemed to speed up a little. I couldn't really tell if it was making more or not. I was about to try again when there was a slight tug against me.

Not too much!

So it had worked.
Okay, liver next? I asked, already trying to retrace my steps to it. Lee had swam around the body in seconds, assessing damage and deciding on a course of action. It was as if a thought had taken him instantly to what he wanted. Apparently it wasn't that easy. He just made it look it.
I felt a nudge as he guided me in the right direction.
He had said it was damaged, but I had no idea what was wrong or what needed doing.

You've got to feel it. Not like prodding or poking; just feel it. What feels right, what feels wrong?
He was nearly as cryptic as Mr Miyagi. Next he'd be telling me that the answer only mattered if I asked the right question. But I took a deep breath and tried to follow his advice.

We'd left it after the liver. I was getting frustrated. He found this stuff so easy, but it was really hard for me. Getting the right bits to do the right thing. What a nightmare.

Sitting back on my heals I'd felt exhausted from the sheer concentration. My energy levels were fine in comparison to Psi-ball Training 101. So they should be, I'd done hardly anything. But I'd never concentrated that hard for that long before.
I was disappointed at her lack of recovery, but I'm not a healer, so it would have been suspicious if she was better. Lee seemed to sense my disappointment, because he gave my leg a little squeeze.
I'd managed a weak smile, but there was a headache forming behind my eyes. Thinking actually hurts.
What can I say? I'm blonde.

When we left I was half tempted to join Lee in bowing to Tanya and Marcus, but after actually having them speak to me like a real person I felt it was better to just say goodbye.
Bree was asleep when we left, Kali was snuggled up to her stroking her hair. It was nice to see her being loving. It was a rare and somehow private sight. Without realising it Lee's presence had soothed them all. Even Marcus and Tanya had lowered the intensity of their aura's towards the end of our visit.
How he does that I have no idea. Magic? Naaaw

We saw ourselves out so Kali could stay where she was. She didn't seem to mind, though I had the feeling she took the opportunity to watch Lee's bum as he left the room.
Lee held his aura in till we got away from Charles street, then I felt him give a sigh of relief and let out the excess again. Kind of like sucking your gut in. The golden warmth that was Lee slowly spread over me again and I felt my own relief flood through me.
Our hands drifted apart once we could feel each other properly again. We had stayed in contact with each other almost the entire time we were inside, neither of us really liked not feeling the other close by. It was something we'd never done before. Now I realised it was because we always had a sense of the other person. It was better than holding hands.

"So what did you think?" I asked, not sure where to begin.

"Loved the curtains." He replied.
All our nerves poured out in hysterical giggles. We were both practically bent over laughing.

"Oh-my-god! Did you see what Kali was wearing!?" He asked. So he had noticed.
We were both still laughing, all I could do was nod like some crazy puppet, barely able to breath.
"I thought she was going to eat me alive!"
I was trying to wipe tears out of my eyes so I could see straight
"And those two in their thrones! Jesus!"
I fell into him and we collapsed against a nearby wall in a heap of laughter.

Once we had calmed down I hugged him, tight.
"Goddess, it's been a bore without you." I said into his chest.

He stroked my hair and I felt him shake his head.
"How the hell have you been dealing with it?" He spoke quietly. There was sympathy and regret laced into his voice and I wanted to tell him I'd been fine on my own, thank you very much!
But it was a lie.

"I don't know." I admitted.

He gave me a big squeeze "Jeeze, Lilly, what have you gotten us into this time?"
I shrugged in his arms as an apology.
His arm lingered over my shoulders as we started to walk again. It was an easy gesture, what with him being over half a foot taller than me. Lanky git. His armpit rested on my shoulder, and I let my hand sneak round to hook in one of his belt loops.
We survived! I thought, with genuine relief.

"Come on, let's get you home." He said, giving my shoulder an extra squeeze.

"Bacon?" I asked

"Pfft - woman! After that I deserve a Roast Dinner!"

We laughed. One thing was sure - a cup of tea was definitely on the menu.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 5

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