Thursday 28 April 2011

Random piece - Witch Way Round? - part 8

All my muscles tensed where I was sat. I was trying so hard not to let my power flair up.

I had no idea what it would do under the blanket damping of the Treatise Enchantment.
It was possible that it would damp it so much that absolutely nothing would happen - at which point running would be a good idea.
Then again, most blanket spells are broken by too much force - so it was possible that if I didn't keep control of myself the whole spell might break; and at the minute it was possibly keeping us safe, and I wasn't ready to give up that protection just yet.
Not to mention if I could summon a good attack or defence spell without breaking the damping spell Circle Half-Light would probably double the pressure to try and get me either out of commission or part of their own army.

None of these were options while they put Lee in the firing line. He could possibly defend himself, but his instincts weren't that way inclined and he wasn't trained. I wasn't willing to take the risk.
Swallowing down the power that was surging up inside me was difficult, but not as difficult as it used to be now. Lee probably didn't realise how much help he'd been with all the joint practice of swallowing down power. He still had his tightly under wrap, and probably hadn't noticed the blocking spell very much yet.
It was like a pressure on the top of your head as your power built, like standing up under a low ceiling slowly.

"You noticed the spell?" Asked Alex, leaning across the table towards me. He was a bit too close for comfort, sitting practically directly opposite me. I didn't reply, I figured it was rhetorical. "You recognised it and knew what it was?"

Why did people have this reaction to me? Was I supposed to be ignorant just because I wasn't fully trained?

I nodded once, not sure whether he actually wanted an answer or not.


His eyes were green like his shirt. Why someone would dye their hair red when  they had green eyes, I had no idea. Yet, somehow, it worked. His eyes were like emeralds - not like the leaf green that some people have. There was an intensity to them that made me want to sit back.
Instead I raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"How? How did you recognise it?" Lee leant forward slightly. Not much, but I could feel that he was ready to protect me from this man who had turned from friendly to mildly intimidating.

"I knew of it. How else?" I said, trying to refrain from holding Lee back. He was doing a good enough job on his own without me drawing attention to it.

"What Alex means," the other man, Cairn, explained quietly "is how did you find the spell? How could you tell it was active?"
He hadn't moved, and seemed calm and gentle. I was reminded of the roles of good cop and bad cop.

I still didn't understand.
"Is this a trick question?"

Hannah shook her head. They looked a little afraid.

"What is a Treatise Enchantment?" Asked Lee in the emptiness left by my lack of answer.

"A spell to dampen magical abilities within a designated area." I explained briefly. I'd go into detail with him later - now was not the time.

Lee frowned.
"Why would you do that?"

"It's like a no-arms deal. You can't cast on each other." I was trying to look purely at Lee, but couldn't stop my eyes from drifting over to them.

"A safe zone." Added Hannah.

I glared at her. "Safe for you."

Lee didn't ask, I think he'd worked it out. I felt his aura move slightly under my hand. It was flowing slowly and gently back to the surface. He was trying to do it discreetly - but I shook my head slightly and he stopped. They'd notice.
Who ever they were, and I could take a half decent guess, I didn't want them taking an interest in Lee for his magical potential.

"What do you want?" I asked, before they could argue.

Again, they exchanged that glance; trying to decide what to say and who would say it.
They seemed unnerved.
"We really do just want to talk." Hannah took the lead.

Jim moved out from behind his counter with a bowl of chips in each hand. Jim's a fairly tall bloke, wide set around the middle, and thinning brown hair that he kept just long enough to cover the top of his ears. I'd never seen him without an apron tied round his waist, and I'd never seen him in a spotlessly white one. In a word, Jim was common. I liked him.
 My eyebrows raised as he began to head towards our table. Normally only the infirm got table service. Basically he was nice to the old ladies and would take their tea and scones to them. But everyone else just paid attention and fetched their food from the counter when it was ready. He didn't even call out or anything. Either you watched for it or you didn't want it enough to deserve eating it; that was Jim's philosophy at least.
Like I say, he's bit lazy, but a good laugh.
The first few times we came in we'd had our order to go, so by the time we ordered in we'd worked out this 'protocol'. There's still be the occasional newbie who gets the whole "d'yer want this food er not?" spiel after it's been sat on the counter a good ten minutes or so.

I wondered if Jim wanted to get another up-close look of Hannah - couldn't blame him if he did, she was very pretty.

The bowls landed in front of me and Lee, and he looked down at us instead of the three model types opposite us.
"How're you two doin?" He asked, leaning his hip against the wall beside me and crossing his arms.
"Not had ye in here fer, what, months now? Nearly fergot what ye looked like."

Me and Lee both smiled up at him sheepishly.
"We're okay." Lee said awkwardly. I wondered if he'd just become as overly aware of the fact we were holding hands as I had.

"Just been busy." I added, then tried not to blush at what that explanation sounded like.
Jim smiled and nodded slightly.
Damn it...
"How've you been?" I asked him - change of subject. Not so subtle, but good enough:

"Ah, not bad lass..." His eyes moved across the table to our 'friends' and it wasn't a pleasant look. Maybe he'd noticed the tension that had been building in his back corner, whatever it was, he didn't seem keen on them.
Turning back to us he nodded and said "If ye need anything, ye know where I am."
I smiled as he walked away. I'd missed Jim and his eccentricities. Sometimes I thought of him as Uncle Jim...

Hannah was looking blankly at my bowl of chips.
I glanced down to see what she was staring at. There was nothing there but a regular bowl of chips. Maybe a bit bigger than I remembered - but there was salt and vinegar on them, just how I liked them. Lee's had drizzles of ketchup on his as well.

Looking back up at her, I asked what was wrong.

"He told us he doesn't serve chips. I asked, and he said that he didn't do them." She actually looked hurt. She hadn't said anything to Jim though. Either she was hurt instead of offended, or she was too polite/wasn't brave enough to call him a liar to his face. She wasn't too proud to complain...

I could feel Lee's discomfort. He didn't like Jim's double standards any more than I did - though right now they had given us the edge; proven who had home advantage.
Shrugging I took a chip from the bowl "He doesn't normally. You have to have been coming for nearly a year before you get the privilege."
Lee pushed his bowl forwards to the centre of the table in a gesture of sharing. We both did actually; synchronised as twins.

We should probably stop doing that. Most people found it creepy at the best of times.
Now was not the best of times.

The three of them sat frozen for a moment, and I popped the still hot chip in my mouth.
Mmm, hot home made chips. 
Alex was the first to reach out towards the bowl. He hesitated for a second, then slowly took one of the chips and popped it in his mouth. He chewed slowly, watching my face. I'd have liked to smile, but I was still a little too on edge to do it naturally.

Jim saved me from having to react by placing five fat sandwiches on the counter; and, catching my eye, mimed hitting a small bell - 'order up'...
I stood, and Alex was on his feet as soon as I was - if not faster - standing slightly in front of me. We both froze for a second, eyes locked. I hadn't even noticed Lee stand up, but he was next to me, shoulder to shoulder.
For some reason, my mind was stuck on the idea that it would be bad for people to notice we were acting strangely; so I smiled.
"I can get them... but if you two want to help..?" I motioned slightly towards the sandwiches and Alex turned just enough to see them. His shoulders relaxed fractionally and I stepped forwards.
He stepped up beside me and agreed to help. No one stopped Lee from following us, and neither of the other two made any sign of moving.

In all fairness, carrying five plates would have been a slight struggle. I'm fine up to four - then it gets complicated. But three people is overkill for collecting three sandwiches.
Alex had picked up two sandwiches and was aiming for a third; but I picked it up along with my own. No need to struggle when there were too many hands for the job anyway.
He opened his mouth to say something, changed his mind, and - after hesitating again - said "Thanks."

This bunch liked hesitating a lot. I was starting to wonder if they were bad guys or not.
We'd soon find out.
We returned to the booth in reverse order, Lee sliding into his seat with his own sandwich as soon as we got there. I hovered by my own seat, as I didn't know whose sandwich I actually had hold of, and didn't want to be rude and lift it over anyone. I'd have slid it over to someone, but the bowls would make that awkward. Plus I was happier on my feet right now. Sitting down felt like getting willingly into a trap.
Not sure what was even in between the bread in my right hand, I didn't bother asking whose it was; I waited till Cairn and Hannah had received theirs from the red head.
He hadn't taken his own first. I liked that in a person.

I placed his down next to Hannah's before either of us took our seats. Our eyes met again as I moved my hand away and I got a strange feeling of understanding, or respect.

Lee hadn't moved quite as far across this time so that our five plates formed a trapezium, fitting easier onto the table. The chip bowls sat in the centre of this plate-pezium, and I made a point of gesturing to them and saying "Help yourselves. There's salt and vinegar on them..." before picking up half my mega bacon butty and taking a bite. The side of Lee's leg rested against mine if I sat at a slight angle, and it seemed to relax us both, or maybe that was just the food; he was already tucking into his sandwich too. Either way, I felt better being in contact with him.
The three opposite us also began eating. Hannah was far more dignified than either of us with her sandwich, taking lady sized bites. The boys didn't chomped through theirs; mouthfuls of the thick cut bread and its delectable fillings being masticated and swallowed in what looked like enjoyment.

The level of hostility - that, admittedly, I'd instigated - eased as we ate together. It's strange how sharing a meal will do that.

Once we had all finished our breaded delights, we sat back and surveyed one another; occasionally reaching for a chip.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked again, popping a still warm chip in my mouth.

They all glanced at Lee, and he smiled nonchalantly as he picked up some more red chips.
What ever it was, they hadn't planned on talking directly about it in front of Lee. What on earth they had been expecting to do I still hadn't worked out.

"We're members of Circle Half-Light." Cairn said.
Thought so...
"We wanted to talk to you about Saturday." He had been the most straight forward, matching my own bluntness.

Saturday had been the night Bree and I had been attacked.
I stiffened slightly. So much for being all happy and cosy three seconds ago.

"What about it?" I asked frostily. "If you've come to apologise, I'm not the one you should be talking to." My anger was simmering just under the surface from thinking of Bree's pale face.

"Apologise?!" Burst out Hannah, her own anger quite evident "The cheek!! How dare you?"
She was almost standing in her seat, Cairn had to place a strong hand on her arm to keep her down. He seemed to have had a calming influence through out, but it wasn't enough right now.

My own anger rose to meet hers though.
"How dare I? How dare I?" I only just managed to keep my seat "After you attacked us? After you nearly killed Bree?! Girl, you're lucky I asked for an apology and not your fucking head!"

She was on her feet now, and the boys were close to following - though Alex looked more confused than angry.

"Are you threatening me?!" Her voice had done that scary thing that some peoples do when they get angry, where it gets quite and sharp - like a ninja's blade.

I stood to face her, leaning my clenched fists on the table. "Oh, when I threaten you, you'll know about it." I whispered into her face, letting the power I'd been holding back surface a little and crackle around my iris. It was a nifty trick Kali had shown me once.

Hannah's jaw set.

"You threaten us under our own Treatise Enchantment?" There was something formal about the question as she stated it. An undercurrent to it that meant more than the words.

It was Alex that touched her arm this time, he'd sat back slightly in his seat now. "I think she just said she would if you kept pushing her buttons Hann, but that's a no - and you know it."

I swear she ground her teeth.
Frustrating? Me? Always.

Lee hadn't moved through out our exchange. Hadn't stiffened, or indicated he'd stand up; just waited. He and Alex looked almost relaxed. I wondered if they were just good under pressure or whether they were more susceptible to Cairn's influence than Hannah and me. What ever it was, Lee reached out for some more chips in the silence that stretched between us.

"She has a point." He said after swallowing his ketchupy carbohydrates. "Why get offended by a request for a simple apology?"

"Our high priestess was attempting to save them from the dark creatures they had summoned." Hannah's voice was like hot ice down the back of our necks. "And she has the audacity to ask for an apology?"

"We didn't summon anything!" I replied before anyone could say anything else. "We were practising protection spells for crying out loud!"

Hannah sneered at me "Is that right?" her voice dripping with sarcasm and condescension.

All of this was being conducted in quiet voices - but we were still starting to attract attention from the rest of the customers. I hated that. Being the centre of attention is not my idea of fun.
I could see everyone over the back of the bench seat Alex was still sat on, and a majority of the faces were turned towards us in open curiosity. I had a feeling the rest were just waiting to dart a glance across. The question "Who are these strangers, and what are they doing?" was painted on most of the faces I could discern at a glance.
Those faces made me bite my lip and sit down abruptly.

Four pair of eyes, much closer to me than those questioning faces, widened - staring directly at me.
I was so tempted to fidget, because I was sure there was a red colour creeping up my neck to my cheeks.
"Yes, that's right." I managed to control my voice, making it a lot calmer.

The change was so abrupt that everyone paused (except Alex and Lee, who carried on finishing off the chips). Cairns arm moved slightly and Hannah's knees buckled under the table. Cairn sat with her.

"You still attacked Magdalene..." Hannah began, deciding on a different tact.

I glanced at the café where a few heads were still turned towards us.
Nothing to see here; nothing happened... I thought, pushing with my mind the way I did with the 'see-me-not' spell.
A warm prickle shot through my leg where it touched Lee's, and the last few heads turned away from us.

"It was self defence. She attacked us first." I didn't mention the fact that she'd sent shapeshifters to attack us, or that they'd nearly killed Bree.

"Bullshit!" Hannah's voice raised an extra notch, going up half an octave. Swearing just sounded wrong coming out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry - but you weren't there." I said, managing to keep calm but caustic "Any information you have about what happened is second hand. Mine isn't."

If looks could kill, the one she gave me would have obliterated me off the face of the earth.
So nice to be getting along...

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 9

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